can 1.5 inch kulis


May 4, 2003
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T.O (Toronto)
be placed in a 10 gallon? i was planning on getting 3 and are they aggresive?

i was planning on geting sum fro my 10 gallon tank with 3 guppies and 5 cories, u might think that they are over stocked but when i find it nessasary i will buy a 55 gallon tank.

my fish sizes;

3 guppies 1 inch each = 3 inch and 1 inch for all my cories so that makes me have 8 inch of fish right now and it will be 4.5 inch more which makes it 12.5 inch. :dunno: i can get 2 of my cories to my other 10 gallon?
Kuhlis aren't aggressive at all, as far as I know. In fact, they do a lot of hiding.

I personally wouldn't keep the cories and kuhlis in the same tank. I don't mean I wouldn't keep them together regularly, I mean that in a tank that small, I'd go for either three or four cories, OR two or three kuhlis. Five or more fish all "competing" for the bottom food is probably a bit much, in my opinion.

edit: eventually, the kuhlis may get too big to be comfortable in that tank, depending on how it's set up. You'd probably want to keep that in mind.
I had kuhlis in one of my 10 gall tanks and they were fine.....happier once I'd given them plenty of places (plants and ornaments) to hide though ....they then started coming out in the open more.

I just fed them before I went to bed so they'd get their share of the food.

not aggressive in the least ....more shy and retiring

Hi kevin007 :)

Corys and kuhlis get along very well together. :thumbs:

With such small ones, just be sure that they can't get sucked into your filter and put in enough food for both bottom feeders.

Kuhlis love to burrow in the gravel, so be certain that your gravel is fine enough for them to do that. The need the same kind of gravel that corys need. You may also want to be sure that there is enough cave space for both, too.

Oh, about that 55 gallon tank........................just get it now. You know you want it. :nod:

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