Cameroon Armoured Shrimp

Mar 17, 2005
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I've started planning out on how to make my sub-tropical tank better habitat, so far its going to have increased filtration and more bubble pump things. I'm looking into getting some more fish for it, as at the moment its not very varied with primarily just danios, corys, hillstream loaches and some temporary guppys.
I'm thinking about getting some Cameroon armoured shrimp since the tank is mature enough and has the space for them, but i was wondering whether they'd thrive or not in a highly filtered and oxygenated sub-tropical tank (around 23 degrees at the mo)? I used to have some in the past but to be honest i would like to know more about them than what i currently do (which is basically feeding them and how large they grow to etc). So any info or advice is much appreiciated- also if they turn out to be unsuitable for such a tank set up, are there any other peaceful shrimp you could recommend which would suit such a tank set up?
I think this would work quite well as good current in the tank will help with their food filtering.
A good technique for feeding Armoured shrimp is to use a pipette to suck up water with a pinch of powdered fry food in. Squirting this onto the shrimps fans when they are fanning is the best way to feed them IMO.
No dought you already knew that though Tokis haha.
I've always recommended a river-type setup when it comes to filter-feeding shrimp. That way, they can just feed at will. Don't know about the temperature though, I've never kept one in sub-tropical.
I don't know about Camaroon armoured shrimp, but bamboo shrimp come from very fast flowing cold rivers up mountains in Africa, so your set up sounds perfect for them. The BBC series 'planet earth' showed them in the wild, so if you could watch the freshwater episode of planet earth that would give you a good indication of the perfect set up for them.

I would think Camaroon armoured shrimp come from similar habitats :good:.
Cameroon armoured shrimp and vampire shrimp are exactly the same thing
Atya gabonensis. it is also known as African Giant Filter Shrimp, African Fan Shrimp,
giant blue shrimp, armoured shrimp, Blue Rhino Shrimp and a thousand other names.

your planned set up sounds good for them, they will find the best place in the tank that has the maximum flow
and they will rarely move from it. (max flow= max food brought to them).
Thanks for the thumbs up everyone, i also have the Planet Earth series on DVD, i totally forgot there were Cameroon Armoured Shrimp in it so i will watch the freshwater episode again to see their wild habitat :good: .
hi,,i have 1 in my tank,,i wud throw in a pleco tab beside it and as it disolves the shrimp fans it and catchs it,,mine hides under a piece of bog wood and seems happy enough,,he hasnt moulted yet,,i got him as a mothers day present lol

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