Hello George,
I don't normally respond to comments about particular aquarium shops. After all, your own experience of a particular shop is what matters when you're deciding where to spend your hard-earned cash. It's not for me to try to swap people's opinions one way or another. But I have visited a lot of stores over the years, and built up cordial relations with many fish shop managers and staffers. Wildwoods remains one of my favourites, and since you've addressed this post to me, I'm going to share a few thoughts.
The first time I visited Wildwoods I must admit I was a bit confused. Like many others, I'd heard about all these rare fish that arrive in Wildwoods, and how it keeps winning these fish shop awards. But at first glance it seemed rather old fashioned, a dimly-lit fish room with small tanks and no decor. And yes, on occasions I do see rather more dead fish in the tanks than I'd like -- but that holds true for just about every aquarium shop I've visited. It has to be stressed that running an aquarium shop is not like looking after your own fish tanks at home, and while all retailers would like to keep their tanks spotlessly clean, that isn't always possible. What I will say is that I've bought fish from Wildwoods and never had serious problems with them save one time when bringing home some Ctenolucius, when one of the three I bought died overnight for no obvious reason. Given I run different water chemistry at home to Wildwoods, and that the trip home takes a good couple of hours with the fish in a backpack, it's as likely the fault was mine as anything else. The remaining two Ctenolucius continue to be very healthy, and are a couple of years old now.
In any case, what I have learned about Wildwoods is that what the store lacks in style it more than makes up for in substance. On almost every visit I've seen something I've never seen before. This is as likely to include small fish like barbs and livebearers as the jumbo stuff Wildwoods is famous (or perhaps notorious) for. There are almost always lots of oddballs: puffers, snakeheads, piranhas, spiny eels and so on. There's a proper soft water section that keeps South American stuff in the water chemistry they need to stay healthy. I've been lucky enough to visit the quarantine rooms, so I know that fish are quarantined on site, and care is taken to ensure oddballs especially are feeding before they're put up for sale.
There are pros and cons to bare glass tanks, so I think you need to be a bit careful when criticising any aquarium shop for using them. Yes, sand and gravel will help fish feel more settled, and that reduces social stress. But the flip side is sand and gravel are harder to clean and more likely to promote bacterial infections as a result. Bare glass is easier to clean and the default in quarantine and hospital tanks of all types because of that, but yes, fish kept in bright, bare glass tanks are more likely to be stressed and to act aberrantly. The other thing to remember is stores exist to sell fish. Yes, Tatia perugiae would prefer a shady tank where they could hide away completely, but in such a tank, they'd never be seen and never be sold. The reality is that to sell fish, they need to be visible, and the trade-off might be that by stressing them for a few weeks by putting them in full view, they'll more quickly be sold to a hobbyist able to keep them happy for the rest of their lives. There's no mileage in an aquarium shop holding happy fish if they stay in stock for months or years at a time! One has to be realistic about this.
As for plants, they're a difficult thing to make a profit on. Serious aquatic gardeners are buying their stuff online. The people buying aquarium plants from shops will be mostly beginners, and they're after either easy stuff like Amazon swords and Vallisneria, or essentially disposable plants that they're happy to replace as and when. I admit, this isn't ideal if you're picky about such things, and yes, the Wildwoods plant selection doesn't match what you might see in, say, one of the more modern Maidenhead Aquatics. But I'm not sure many people go to Wildwoods to buy aquarium plants! It's just not that sort of shop. So they stock what sells: the basics.
I still roll my eyes sometimes when I visit Wildwoods. Usually that's when I see some sort of giant catfish or characin, and I'm left wondering who on Earth buys these things! And yes, mislabelling occurs from time to time, but that's as much the wholesaler's fault as the retailer's, and far from uncommon in the hobby. But at the same time it helps to judge a store by the company it keeps. It's not just casual aquarists that visit, but researchers from museums and people buying stock for zoos and public aquaria. Wildwoods remains one of the best places to get obscure tropical fish species, and about the only place I can think of in Southeast England that routinely maintains stocks of coldwater fish beyond goldfish and weather loaches. I know the guys who run the fish room, and they're keen aquarists with considerable skill. If you visited them on a bad day or when they were too busy to talk for long, then I'd encourage you to visit again with an open mind.
One last thing. The nature of forums is such that many people sign up here using pseudonyms. They can then go on to say whatever they want, apparently free from the risk of being sued under libel laws. It's very easy for someone to criticise a person or company when they know they're not likely to be sued. It's very different if you put your name on a posting rather than your forum identity, because then you know you might have to defend your position in a court of law. Everyone here knows who I am, and if I say something here at TFF, they're free to ask me to retract those comments if they feel them unfair or inaccurate. But you don't say who you are, and if you write something about a company or person, they aren't able to ask you to remove those comments or to pursue their grievances through legal channels. It's impossible for someone reading your post to know if you're a genuine aquarist, an employee at a rival company, or a person with a grudge against someone at the company you're talking about. I'm sure your posting was made in good faith, and honestly reflects your views and experiences, but I hope you can see how comments like the ones you made could be construed in various different ways depending on the reader's point of view.
That's why I think it's really important forums don't become places where negative reports are bandied about too freely. Free speech is great, but it depends upon the legal right of those talked about to ask for retractions or corrections when appropriate. That can't happen here, at least not easily, so I'd encourage everyone to think about that, and act with due respect to whomever they're talking about.
Cheers, Neale