Camel Shrimp From Hell


New Member
Nov 23, 2010
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Ok.... So we got our little nanocube up and running about 2 months ago... We thought a camel shrimp would be a great addition.... Then with no research got a harlequin shrimp on impulse and the camel ate him.... Then we started a whole little polyp colony that was inspired by the frogspawn we got and the camel shrimp is terrorizing everything.... He was just attacking the polyps so we had to transfer those... And then he was straight trying to go to town on the frogspawn!!! So we've transferred that now too... So we've tried many many times to get that stupid thing out of the tank but he's just too quick..... Bottom Line : What can we get that will kill that stupid camel shrimp but won't kill coral!? Is that a bad way to handle this issue?

I hate that shrimp and I need advice..... Any ideas? I was thinking maybe an Arrow Crab?
its pretty simple: put in some thing that will stress it out but bnot kill it. after its stressed, it will be easier to capture.
Yes we have used two nets.... He's fast.... And what would we use to stress him?? That's a great idea...
put some food in a jar and get it out before he can escape

btw camels are bad reef shrimp lol

you could also try not feeding it if you honestly cant get it out by other means

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