I have a two month old...lol. Good luck. Don't buy Bettas for a while. Kids are a handful!!!! Kiss sleep goodbye...lol. CONGRATS! Here is mine. He is a cute. His name is Jacob, Jake for short.
Awww how precious!
Definatly no more bettas lol in fact I may have to do a betta adoption since I have 6 of them, a 10 gallon with a couple fish, a cat, and a husband who wont stop bouncing around...
I had to get rid of my kitties. I had two..became allergic after the pregnancy. The fish aren't that bad. I just would hold off on getting more untill you get used to the baby. And OF COURSE U CAN BE A VIRTUAL AUNTIE BETTAMOMMA, speaking on Jacobs behalf of course...lol. If you are as great with kids as you are with fish you'd be a great aunt...lol.
good luck the 7th grade sci teacher at our school had a new baby last night..his name is Jerod(sounds like yerod w.t.f?)..some times i wish i was an adult dang i want a kid...kids are soo cute then you can make them your Jr betta fish activists!!!