Camallanus-Harka-Verm Dosage?

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Mostly New Member
Oct 17, 2013
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I have a case of camallanus worms in my 120L tank.
I have 10 cardinal tetras, 4 corydoras trilineatus, and 1 apistogramma cacatuoides male (I had a female of them but she died, she had worms too and was stressed out by the male constant attention).
I have treated the tank with Sera Med Nematol, then have done a 80% water change and added some carbon in the external filter after 2 days as indicated, to get rid of the medication.
I was hoping it would work as it was recommended as the second best after Levamisole. The treatment didn't bother the tetras much, the corys seemed hyper with it, but my cockatoo apisto seemed withdrawn and stayed hidden, and didn't eat for two days.
After one day of treatment, I saw one tetra who had a worm sticking out of him, and made me realise that some of them were infected too, as none of the tetras had symptoms of infestation before I started the treatment.
Unfortunately, after the water change, I still can see my apisto with worms sticking out of it, and the same with one tetra. As I understand they should have got rid of the worms with the first treatment, but that make me think that it didn't work as exected.
I am buying some liquid HARKA-VERM and hope it will be more effective as the main ingredient is Levamisole, but I am not sure about the dosage for my tank. On the internet, I can find some dosages but it's confusing as some are in mg/L and others states per gallons, which can be US or UK, and are different from one another. All I know is that I have to do a big water change after 24 hrs of having medicated the tank.
Has anyone used this medication for fishes, and can tell me the exact dosage and percentage of the water change? 
As I understand Levamisole is a very powerful and effective medication and wouldn't like to overdose by mistake.
Don't forget the Nematol instructions say to dose again in 3 weeks.
Have you bought the harka-verm yet? I ask because eSHa-ndx contains levamisole as the active ingredient since that is made for aquariums the dosage instructions should be easy to follow.
My main tank had camallanus worms late last year. I used Kusuri wormer plus and thought they had gone but I found more fish with the worms in January. I treated with wormer plus again, for 3 doses (it says you can re-treat after 4 days) while I waited for some nematol to arrive, then treated with that and again 3 weeks later. It is now two and a half months later with no sign of worms.
But after I treated with nematol I was in a shop buying some wood and mentioned the worms. The chap said he was getting some new stuff in the next week, eSHa-ndx, which treated camallanus worm. I asked about the ingredients but the website didn't say. So he phoned the eSHa rep while I waited and he didn't know either. The following week, the chap from the shop phoned to say the n-dx had arrived, and he'd looked at the instructions which said it contains levamisole hydrochloride.
If I ever get camallanus worms again, I'll get some eSHa-ndx immediately.
I have bought the Harka-Verm, but after you mentioning the eSha-ndx, I had a look into it and found some on Ebay which I bought too.
It won't be lost, I intend to quarantine and treat every fishes that I buy from now on, so if I can find the dosage for the Harka-Verm too it will be used.

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