Cam is up!


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
Well, our first star is El Dorado. Currently deciding if he likes his temporary new residence downstairs. :rolleyes: He flared at the camera when I first put it near him, he's hilarious. Anyways, the page isn't anything flashy or fancy yet, but won't be unless I find another host. Thank you to whoever it was who suggested webcamXP - it'll work for now, but I only have 21 days before I have to pay. If anyone else knows of somewhere free, or downloads, let me know! Thanks!! Let me know what you think, and give me requests for who you'd like to see later. :D

Betta Cam
It was working, now we're having some techincal difficulties. Hopefully these will be fixed shortly. :p
Nope.. can't get it. ARGH!! If anyone has experience with this and wouldn't mind helping me out, please PM me or message me (contact info in my profile). Thank you so much!
thellama said:

free !!

your site will be ilke..
well i checked the site out but u have to pay 4 it (not free anymore)!!!

all so there is a free version of Webcam XP but the thing is i dont know how to get the codes 4 the website, i use that but i broadcast directlly from my pc via my router ports or something.
i gave her the program but if anyone know how to configure it then that would be very helpfull

HERE IS THE LINK 4 IT: Free version of Webcam XP

Here there is other types of webcam programs: Other webcam programs
There other program link is not working just type in Webcam and it should give u a list of programs

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