Cal's High Tech Planted 20 Long


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2005
Reaction score
Southeast Michigan
Tank Specs
Tank Size: 20 Long U.S Gallons
Filter: Emperor 400
Lighting: Coralife Aqualight 2x65 watts
Co2: currently none
Subtrate: White Sand

Current Stock
1xHemichromis Lifalili Red Jewel Cichlid
7xOtocinclus Affinis Oto

*Pics to be added later*

Today I bought Searchem Flourish, Flourish Iron, 5 Wisterias, and 4 Rotala Indicas, and 7 otos. My current plant list as of now includes-
1xWater Sprite
4xRotala Indica
2xAmazon Sword
8xJava Fern
2xBrazillian Sword (not sure)

As of now all the plants are in rows according to there type, because I have no idea how I am going to aquascape as of yet. Tommarow I am buying a 5lb co2 tank, and regulator. I will use my ladder from my old Nutrafin co2 kit as the counter/diffuser. I will most likly order from big als or dr foster and smiths to get the rest of my nutrients. I am planing to add a grass like plant, I want to make a feild, I was think micro sword, or dwarf hairgrass, any opinons on which route I should go?
I probably sound like a moron, but that's like 6.5 WPG. That's quite a bit of light! Those fish are going to need sunglasses and sunscreen! :lol:

But, you're going to use CO2, so it should be alright, just keep your eyes peeled for algae. Keep us posted. My 36g corner in Miami will use the same light fixture so let me know how that works, and that'll put me at 3.6, which is a goodly amount of light, but nowhere near 6.5! If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for that light?
I payed 180 for it, no tax. Well apperently I was told 15 minutes ago I cant have a co2 tank in my room, so what I am going to do now?! Can I use this instead, here. I guess Ill have to setup that instead. :/
6.5 watts per gallon really puts you on the cutting edge of the knife with respect to tank balance. I wouldn't even think about running that much light without the higher control of pressurized co2 and an extensive fertilization regime with regular testing.

Why are your parents not going to let you have a co2 canister in your room? Safety reasons? I can think of a lot more dangerous things you'll find in the average teenager's bedroom! ;)
lol I know, its my mom who wont let me have it, for safty reasons. Would that work though, the other method of co2, or should i get the one made by red sea?
Hi Cal, that is a lot of light! You really do need pressurised, that link will work, but you'll to get 3 or 4 of them, and change the mix every few days to keep the rate up.

I wouln't have thought it was much of a hazard in a bedroom?

EDIT: I know this sounds silly but would taking the reflectors off make much of a difference?
With that amount of light you'll end up with the largest algae farm in michigan! Be careful....!

Good, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought that was a lot of light. She won't let you pressurized, that sucks, sorry. :( . I'm assuming you have the 30 inch fixture. The 24 inch I'm thinking of by Coralife is about $50 cheaper at Big Als. You can go Nutrafin, but you'll be changing it so often with that amount of light.
So I guess Ill get a couple, but my mom isnt overprotective btw, It may seem so in this situation, but she doesnt even want me to have my fish tank in the first place. Should I get 3 or 4? And isnt their a better yeast based solution instead of the packets that the systeam used?

Edit: I found the article about the using of yeast and I plan to get 3 units, but the question still remains should I get another unit? Im probaly goign to make a tower to keep these all in. Btw the is still a chance for pressurized but idk, have to talk to my dad when he gets home.
I wouldnt waste the money on more of the Nutrafin units. It's super easy and very inexpensive to make a reactor out of a pop bottle. I'm going to have a look for the instructions gf225 gave me.
Why not just use one of those tubes instead of both of them?

You'll still be left with 3+ WPG which the nutrafin CO² units will be more than enough for.
it's not what you want to hear but you need to get the co2 up and running before you run the lighting at all. if the lights are already in use you need the co2 yesterday!!

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