Calling All Tang Owners!


Fish Herder
Jun 19, 2010
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Hello everyone,

Me again, and again pesteing for photos! Looking for Tang photo's - i have several, thanks to 'demasonisrule', 'Happy George', and 'Chris_C', of a Kole Tang, Scopas Tang, Regal Tang, and Yellow Tang.

Would really like a photo of an Achilles Tang, Clown Tang, and the Powder Blue Tang. BUT any Tang would be GREAT!

Thanks in advance..


For the resource centre pages.
C'mon guys, get those pics up. I love tangs and I'm dying to see some pics of em! :good:
I can get you a shot of a Juvenille Black Tang, the Reefshack has one at the moment £500. I am picking up a Vampire Tang tomorrow so you can have that one (picture not the fish), and he has a convict and a Naso which are in his tanks which I'm sure he won't mind me photographing.
I saw the video of the black tang on UR lovely fish shame that there so expensive.
I saw the video of the black tang on UR lovely fish shame that there so expensive.

Yeah silly price, he isn't making a huge amount of money on that sale though. If it were to pop its clogs he would lose a lot of money, but he can't resist unusual things.
Happy G that would be fantastic if you could get those photo's. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Im getting more and more jealous of your tank every day! Vamp Tang, Regal Tang, Cleaner Wrasse and Jv Emp Angel! I might just retreat into my hole and cry!! :)
Just looked up the black tang - :drool: wow thats a beautiful fish.

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