Calling All Predatory Fish Keepers!


Fish Addict
Jun 24, 2007
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Smack Dab in the Center of the Good Ol' U.S. of A
Hello everyone, I was wondering:
How many of you predatory fish keepers feed your fish live food, and what do you feed them?
I feed my Senegal Bichir live ghost shrimp and small live guppies, and I feed my Marbled Sand Goby ghost shrimp, too, and larger guppies.
I've seen my Rubber Eel go after the shrimp (I even saw her actually eat a small guppy).
Feeding time in my tank is really entertaining. Seeing the massive goby hunting the food in the upper half of the tank, and my bichir patrolling the bottom hunting down the shrimp.
I'd have to say the coolest thing ever was when I had put about 10 ghost shrimp into the tank, and nearly all of them were eaten, and this one little guy was resting on the sand, when all of a sudden, BOOM! My Rubber Eel exploded out of the sand and darted to the other side of the tank with the shrimp in her mouth. It was too cool.
So, how many of you go the live food way?
I feed all my fish (all the carnivores and omnivores anyways) live food. Live ghost shrimp, extra baby livebearers, crickets, and live earth worms mostly. Sometimes I'll do live blackworms and (clean) tubifex though. My bichirs and bgk have had some accidental meals of tankmates though.

One time I carrying about 10 neons in a bag to the car, and the phone started ringing, so I put the bag in the nearest tank which happened to be my weeksii bichir's tank. I came back to the neons about 20 minutes later and was greeted by a rather fat 14" weeksii that was supposed to be fasting and 5 terrified neons. WHAT?!?! Upon lifting the bag out of the tank, I discovered rather large ragged hole that I assume the bichir put in the bag. The neons swam through this hole to their demise, apparently. Needless to say, my friend only got 5 neons that day.

I didn't realize they would either. He just had his fasting day and I hadn't fed it that day yet, so he could have just been really desperate. Just glad it happened with neons, not something that was really that valuable. Unlike CFC's ray that got eaten by the catfish. Now that must have really sucked!

I only feed one of my fish live foods and that is a frogmouth catfish that after 3 years still wont even look at dead food, i feed it live shrimp and juvinile snakeheads. I have a fire eel that is very fussy and will only eat when there is live food in the tank, but if i chuck a few prawns in with some live shrimp it will eat some of the prawn as well.

Other than that everything i've got eats frozen, which makes life a lot easier and keeps the food bill low.
Mine get live foods only as treats and only after they have gone thru quarantine-Anne
I havn't kept what some people would call predatory fish, but I have kept and keep fish that others would give feeders to (oscars and polypterus currently). The only live food they get are worms, don't like the idea of feeder fish personally but I can see why some people feed them (though I don't agree with those that feed for pure entertainment pleasure).
i use all kinds of live food
bloodworm,earthworm,locusts,mealwors,shrimp,guppies and platties
I feed my oscar and pearsei crickets and locusts (complimentary of the resident Mr.Chinese Water Dragon and Leopard geckos) when ever I find one on the loose, both usually eat the thing whole but sometimes have to rip it apart.Also feed guppy fry and earthworms.I haven't fed them guppy's or earth worms in a while as I've got rid of most my guppy's and I haven't been bothered to get earthworms, to much effort :lol: .
I never feed live bloodworm from fish shops as I have had very bad experiences with it (diseases).
They get frozen prawns as well, easy alternative.
hiya. was just reading your email and I have a fire eel that is nearly 3ft long he is a beast..and lives on muscles and prawns from asda and fish from local fish shop and all my predatory fish thrive on this including stingrays and a dat that is enormous as well as a procalodis!!! now and again i chuck in some shrimps but the fire eel is way too slow and slugish to chase them lol.

I feed my jags and clown knife 125 gold fish a week. Other than that they eat hakari gold pellets.
I feed my jags and clown knife 125 gold fish a week. Other than that they eat hakari gold pellets.

125!!that would cost fortune!! how big is the clown knife

I feed my morays and toadfish lancefish and prawns. The toads were difficult to get onto frozen but we got there especially with the introduction of the greedy morays and the noise when they gulp them is highky amusing

My clown knife bichir and fire eels eat frozen blood, brine shrimp, earthworms and lancefish and prawns... fortunately my clown knife and bichir will eat catfish pellets which makes up for their fussiness elsewhere
I feed my jags and clown knife 125 gold fish a week. Other than that they eat hakari gold pellets.
That's really unhealthy for your fish. You should feed the pellets most of the time, substituting frozen foods every once in a while. Feeding goldfish to fish is really easy way to give your fish a disease and a fatty liver.

I hardly feed my fish live food, but if I do it's ghost shrimp and earth worms. All of my preds get a nice diet of frozen shrimp, bloodworm, brine shrimp (not so much anymore), krill, and cichlid gold sinking pellets. (Could have sworn it was more stuff than that). I'm going to start feeding silversides soon and probably get some squid/clam/seafood mixture from the store.

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