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Oct 30, 2006
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:( i really could do with some advice (as the place we got the anemone told us next 2 nothing) we have had this anemone for about a month now and up untill 3 days ago its seemed to b happy looked healthy and was happy in its place in the tank it seemed to accept the 2 clown fish and we were very chuffed with ourselfs i started 2 worry a little when it compleatly deflated but the next morning it was puffed up as normal so i though nothing of it but then i woke up 1 morning 2 find it upside down so i turned it rnd and again it was fine 4 a day or 2 but then it did it again its always seems fine after i have turned it bk rnd again but what i would like 2 know is why its doing it in the first place coz im gonna end up stressing it out even more keep messin with it pls help nancy x :-(
Well Nancy, its clearly unhappy with something in the tank, so we're gona need lots of details about your setup. If you could take some pictures of your tank, and especially the anemone when it flips upsideown that would be very helpful. is a great free image hosting site and easy to use :)

After that, a cadre of questions, try to answer them as detailed as possible:

What lighting does the tank have?
How old are its bulbs?
Where is the anemone placed in the water column?
How big is the tank?
What filtration do you use?
How much LR is in there?
How old is the system?
What are the following water test results: ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, phosphate, calcium, alkalinity, temp, salinity?
If you can't take some of those readings, perhaps your LFS can help you out.
What kind of anemone is it?
Whats your water flow or tank turnover like?
What livestock is in the tank other than the nem and two clowns?

Anemones are very demanding creatures and one of the more difficult animals to keep in a reef aquarium. If things are not just right they will suffer and possibly perish :( I hope we can give you some advice to help you out. While you wait for other responses, go ahead and read the Anemone Sticky by Chac which may shed some light on your situation.

Good Luck :good:
When Anemones pop off it's usually foot damage. When you right it out did attempt to grip on? Or did it just kind a sit there and later found flipped?

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