Calling all cory cat owners!

I have corys but I've never encountered that before. :/

I would definitely remove it from your tank in case it's contagious,I see it may have effected 3 other fish you had. I would isolate it.
Sorry. I fixed the link in my first post. An LFS told me it could possibly be a tumor. She didn't see any pics. I forgot to bring them.

HeatherSweetness... I've thought that too. But someone on a puffer forum said that maybe it was something with a gourami. Something about parasites...

This won't help, but I would suspect a serious infectious septicemia spreading through the tank (the bacterial toxins destroy the kidney and/or liver function of the fish, resulting in erupting sores or in dropsy or both), which is very likely to be medication resistant. Even more, I would suspect the Dwarf Gourami as being the source - many of the highly colored cultivars are bred in SE Asia in deplorable conditions, fed heavily on sewage worms from contaminated sources and loaded with antibiotics and hormones to "protect" them during their extremely rapid development. These are then shipped out and carry with them antibiotic- resistant strains of the already-mentioned bacteria among others. Eventually the fish start spreading these bacteria among their tankmates and it is a coin-toss who succumbs first. There is little you can do but ride out the attack and treat the survivors to the best care that you can provide, as I suspect you are already doing.

This sort of thing shows up on multiple boards regularly, and I have yet to hear of success in stopping the epidemic/epizootic before it runs its course.

Many folks think that I am extreme, but I have not purchased any dwarf Gourami since the whole problem first developed other than from private breeders personally known to me. Nor will I purchase SE Asian bred neons - same basic reason, but there the diseases are Neon Tetra Disease and/or fish tuberculosis or both.

Some of your fish are likely to survive, but may or may not still carry the dangerous bacteria.

I cannot swear that this is what is infecting your tank, but it seen too frequently these days. My apologies for sharing such un-hopeful news, and my sympathy for the circumstances.

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