Callianassa Californiensis


New Member
Jun 13, 2006
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Good Evening All,

It is great to be here. Oh I am expecting a new Gold Double Tailed Betta Fish, to be delivered in the mail very very soon. In the meantime, I have a FIVE gallon tank. I also have in the tank some plants that are small and a few TINY Trumpet Snails. I have been searching for Ghost Shrimp. I had the Opaque ones, the name escapes me now but, they only lived a few days, as my former Betta killed them EVERY time they shedded their shell. Ok, now I have fallen in love with these darling Callianassa californiensis Ghost Shrimp. Please know, I am in a wheelchair which is why it takes me forever to stay on track. lol Anyway, do these Ghost Shrimp do well with Betta Fish. If so, how many can I get with what I already have in a five gallon tank and where would I find them as I cannot find them ANYWHERE other than this site but, I do not see a place where they are SOLD here. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this note. It is great to be a new member and I hope to make a lot of new friends. Sincerely, Bifida
putting a shrimp in with a betta is somewhat touch and go. many members on this site including myself have done it successfully, but some bettas take offense to the intrusion. It really depends on the personality of the fish. As for where ghost shrimp can be gotten, you can find them on aquabid, also the petsmart in my area stocks them so i wouldn't be surprised to find them there if you have a petsmart near you. For stocking purposes, the add very little to a bioload. I don't know what the exact stocking numbers are, but i have seen anything from 2 - 4 per gallon so if a five gallon tank you should be able to fit a few, but other people should be able to give you more information on that. Just remember to offer them a lot of places to hide.
putting a shrimp in with a betta is somewhat touch and go. many members on this site including myself have done it successfully, but some bettas take offense to the intrusion. It really depends on the personality of the fish. As for where ghost shrimp can be gotten, you can find them on aquabid, also the petsmart in my area stocks them so i wouldn't be surprised to find them there if you have a petsmart near you. For stocking purposes, the add very little to a bioload. I don't know what the exact stocking numbers are, but i have seen anything from 2 - 4 per gallon so if a five gallon tank you should be able to fit a few, but other people should be able to give you more information on that. Just remember to offer them a lot of places to hide.

Thank you so much for taking the time to type to me but, I am speaking specifically of this certain kind of Ghost Shrimp (Callianassa Californiesnsis.) I cannot find them ANYWHERE on the net as to where they can be purchased and they are not sold at my PetSmart, as I have checked. Thank you so much for taking the time to type to me and I realise, this is not YOUR fault. Please know, I am not upset, just frustrated. Sincerely, Bifida. Have a wonderful day please :)

I am so sorry, I should have added this picture from the front of this site. This is what I am looking for. It may have another name, other than the scientific or REAL name. What is this and where can I purchase some? If the picture did not go through, it is the picture on the FRONT of this site. This is what I am looking for. Do THEY do well with Bettas? How much do they cost, and where can I find some? Thank you so much for answering me.
ah, yes, i should have looked up the name, i only saw "ghost shrimp" and assumed. I don't think, though, that they would go well with a betta though as they appear to be saltwater (many sites say they are "marine"). Also, they are a burrowing animal and feed off of the algae and detritus picked up while burrowing so you would need a LOT of substrate that had a lot of this sort of organic material in it. And since they get to almost 4 inches inlength, one probably would not be very comfortable in a 5 gallon tank anyhow.

link 1 - information
link two - has an illustration of several ghost shrimp burrows

If you search for the scientific name you should find more information, but i imagine the reason you haven't found any information on their care is that they likely haven't been introduced into the hobby due to this extensive burrowing habit.
:) Good Morning, thank you so much for your reply. Ok, here is what I am searching for and maybe you have some advice for me, lol I hope. I want some Ghost Shrimp. I completely lost the name (scienfic or otherwise) but, what I am looking for is the kind of Ghost Shrimp that A) gets along GREAT with Betta's B) are Algea and not subtrate eaters but, C) more imortantly, have a LONG life expectancy and when they shed their hard shell almost immediately become hard again. This way, there is only a TINY chance of a Betta eating them before they harden. The others take days to harden but, this darling don't. My friend, I have seen them. However, just like an idiot, I forgot where they were. Thank you so much again for trying to help me. Sincerely, Dawn
my amano shrimp do fine with bettas :good:

Good Afternoon, thank you so much for taking the time to answer me. How long do these Amanno Shrimp live and are they the kind that harden immediately or close to it, after they shed? Sincerely, Dawn

my amano shrimp do fine with bettas :good:

Good Afternoon, thank you so much for taking the time to answer me. How long do these Amanno Shrimp live and are they the kind that harden immediately or close to it, after they shed? Sincerely, Dawn

Oh I just read about these and it says, they do not do well in FRESH water. They need Brackish water. Is this true? I know Beta's need fresh water as I have had Beta's before. Thank you again. Love, Dawn

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