Callamanus Worms


New Member
Jul 17, 2010
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I'm sorry my first post is in the emergency section but I would appreciate some advice please. I noticed callamanus worms in my tank so purchased some Harka Verm (I'm in the UK) and treated at the dosage recommended on this site on Saturday. I waited 24 hours then did a water change (as close to 100% as possible without removing the fish) and used my gravel vac to try and clean the tank. Four days later I can clearly see callamanus worms in one of my fish. Should they reappear this quickly? I knew I would need to treat again in a fortnight to break the life cycle but wasn't expecting to see the worms again so soon. Would you treat again straight away and would you treat the whole tank or remove the only fish with visible worms and treat individually?
treat the tank. they can be a nightmare to get rid of.
all the best

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