Calendar Events


Fish Maniac
Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
I am in the process of resurrecting the Forthcoming Calender Events section.
So if you have any Club or Association dates you would like me to advertise then drop me a pm.
Club Shows, Auctions, Excursions etc can all be given exposure. and will be visible in the FCE section 30 days prior to the event.
So get one the ball and let me have your dates.
Good idea, I've sent you some dates.

Be good if william could ad a calendar to the forum for such a thing as this.
LOL so their is.
And i remember looking at it know in the past

*Slaps head*

still i see nothing other than birthdays.
Gonna post a couple of dates.

Ok us normo's cant post dates.
Atlanta Area Aquarium Association meets the first Thursday of every month at Athen's Pizza on Clairmont Rd in Decatur, GA. We have really interesting talks and a fish auction twice a year. You guys should come out, you are bound to meet some nice people and get some good rarities in the hobby.
Hi jb12288 :)

We're working on a list of aquarium clubs too. Please send the following information to BigC (UK, etc.) or me (US). We'll be happy to add your organization. :D

Club Name:-(Full Name of Club or Society)
Meetings:- (where and when)
Contact:- (Name Address Telephone & Email where app.)
Website (If Available)

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