calculating the load


Oct 5, 2004
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ususally in a state of shock aka derbyshire uk
I've read a lot about the inch guide but i have a question, this may sound dumb but does it count for all shapes of tank

I've recently set up a trigon 350 and although it hold almost twice as much water as my 4 foot tank, it looks like it might not hold as many fish without being crowded.

i think this is because its quite deep but who knows

any suggestions

stocking levels are only guides... if it looks too crowded - have less fish (eg stock it gradually and stop when it looks good)

the 350 approx 77 UK gals

If it were me i'd aim towards 140" of adult fish (but i do tend to stock on the heavy side)

and I'd put a good external filter (Fluval 304 or similar) on the tank too.
I think it would help if you could work out the surface area of the tank

If you can't do that tell me the measurements and i will do it for you ;)
Not meaning to step on toes clutterydrawer but I happen to be here so thought I would answer incase you are busy right now :fun: (Its the challange really of seeing if I get my maths correct). :fun: :fun: Well I tried :rofl: I now realise school was a long time ago so my daughter has rescued me (she's really good at this stuff), She says:

The dimensions you show give a surface area of 921.32 sq inches (and the rule i believe is 1" of fish for 10 sq"'s of surface area.) Therefore it would equal 92 inches of fish - the inch rule is only a guide though, it is not cast in stone. (If you all agree the figures are correct, I can pretent it was me next time, if not I'll blame my daughter :rofl: )

Good luck I'm sure the tank will look fantastic, wish I could get one that size :alien:

edit: for future reference my daughter says its (pie times radius squared) then divided by 4
or in english hit the pie button on calculator, and multiply by the radius 34.25 inches, (thats the length of the straight line of the tank) then hit squared button on calcultor. This gives the surface are of the whole circle. So then you divide this answer (circle) by 4 and "volia" you have you answer which is a 1/4 of the circle. isn't she great :rofl:
wow thanks skimpy (or rather skimpy's daughter) :rolleyes: :X

perhaps i should hang my head in shame at this point :whistle:

and admit that I'm a teacher, but in my imeditate defence, exams whee a long long time ago, and i only teach special needs kids, and they are only little ones
and i am officially ill at the mo :sick:

so thats my exuse :stupid:


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