Calculating tank size


Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2004
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ok so...

Gallons = L x W x H /231. All dimensions in inch's

so that means (I got the tape out)

36 inch x 12 inch x 16 inch = 6912

6912/ 231 = 29.92

thats 30 gallons then yeah??

that mean I can get me some clown fish?

if so how many fish can I keep in there
As it's marine, the number of fish you have depends on whether it's going to be fish-only or a reef tank. 1" of fish for every 6 gallons is the usual guideline for reef tanks, or 1" for every 2-3 gallons if it's FO.
Before getting into a marine aquarium, you should do a LOT of reading about how to set one up and care for it. Marine aquariums (particularly those with coral or anemones) are far more expensive and less forgiving of mistakes than freshwater tanks. I'm not saying it isn't possible, just be aware of the pitfalls.

Good luck! :thumbs:
modernhamlet said:
Before getting into a marine aquarium, you should do a LOT of reading about how to set one up and care for it. Marine aquariums (particularly those with coral or anemones) are far more expensive and less forgiving of mistakes than freshwater tanks. I'm not saying it isn't possible, just be aware of the pitfalls.

Good luck! :thumbs:

I was thinking about getting some beginer coral and some fake coral

I dont want loads of fish

whats a good amount tho

4 or 5 ?
If you have coral in there then you're limited to about 5 or 6 inches of fish. And no coral is really "beginner", if by that you mean "easy". As modernhamlet says, marine tanks are not cheap or easy. But for lots of info, look at the marine part of the forum, if you haven't yet - the pinned topics there contain loads of stuff for first time mariners! Good luck! :)
waterwatereverywhere said:
If you have coral in there then you're limited to about 5 or 6 inches of fish. And no coral is really "beginner", if by that you mean "easy". As modernhamlet says, marine tanks are not cheap or easy. But for lots of info, look at the marine part of the forum, if you haven't yet - the pinned topics there contain loads of stuff for first time mariners! Good luck! :)
if thats right

I can have 6 inchs of fish

thats like 2 fish


If thats true, im thinkin all fake coral and more fish

If I have fake coral how many fish can I have

4 or 5 now?
30 gallons for fish only could probably support 10-15" of small fish. But having said that, a reef containing live rock is the best possible filtration system, and your tank's just a bit on the small side for a successful FO, as you really have to have very stable water for marines, which isn't easy without live rock.

Not impossible! :) - just read all the info you can lay your hands on before spending any money!!
by "black and white one" do you mean the Wimplefish?

IMO, it would probably be better to go no corals at all, or invert, price goes up a lot when you even THINK about keeping them...but 2 clownfish and live rock + skimmer sounds great...remember about 1 pound of LR per Gal is a minimum if you don't use a filter

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