Calcium supplements


Fish Crazy
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
South Africa
Okay now that my tank has been running for about 4 months or so i've started stocking up on corals. I use 100% natural sea water, some of which has been collected from my near by reef but not allot. No my question is do i have to supplement my corals with calcium or not? I have about 22 kgs of LR 5 of which is coral skeltons, and about 25kgs or crushed coral. My Ph seeems to have stablized now and i dont seem to have to added buffers for it anymore.

I also inherited 3 very sickly candy cane corals a while back and they seem to be flurishing back to life, even the completely dead branches that had algea all over them seem to be coming back to life, so all looks good.

I actually have never once tested for calcium, but i assume it's allright. well i hope it is.

And on the matter of supplements, is there any other sort of thing that one need to add for corals, food ect...
I would moniter your calcium levels in the reef the calcium is 412 anything in between 400-450 I would say is fine if it gets below 400 you can dose it with liquid calcium by kent marine my calcium on my tank is 425. Here is kent marine liquid calcium. You could use kalkawasser but I have heard some things about bieng unstable I'm not sure and I don't now much about kalkawasser.
Calcium tests are as simpple as all the others.
You should be above 400 as CF said.

USe caution when dosing calcium. Depending on what product you use, it can have a daisy chain effect on hardness and ph.


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