Calcium Lowers My Ph?


Fish Addict
Nov 14, 2005
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Hey my current parameters are:

Ph 8.22
Cal 360
KH 11

Now to boost my calcium put im using tmc bio calcuim, which also gives alk in the mixture.

So when i put say 4 level spoonfuls (underdose) the PH drops dramaticly, any ideas why chemistry i hate in some respects.

Many thanks

Not too sure on chemistry, was not my strong point either :) However, I used Seachem Reef Complete and didn't noticed a drop in Ph.
What's your magnesium, and how long does the pH depress?
Hey my current parameters are:

Ph 8.22
Cal 360
KH 11

Now to boost my calcium put im using tmc bio calcuim, which also gives alk in the mixture.

So when i put say 4 level spoonfuls (underdose) the PH drops dramaticly, any ideas why chemistry i hate in some respects.

Many thanks

You sure about that? if its the same one i got it drops alk to make calcium!
It has un-cooked sodium bicarbonate in, so you do expect a pH drop when you dose it ;) When pH lowers with the release of acid, the acid will react with KH (usualy indirectly measured as Alk) and lower it as the KH acts to recover the pH. You should get Carbon Dioxide out of the reaction with water and this product, so Alk and pH should recover fairly quick with adiquate surface agetation :good: As Ski points out, Mg will play a point also, so it would be good to know what thats on if we are to surgest imporvements to your method :nod:

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