Calcium Levels


Apr 1, 2004
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Cheltenham (UK)
The Calcium Levels in my nano seem to be quite high. I am only using straight tap water and some Salifert All-In-One once a week.

Any tips on bringing the levels down or should I just cut out the additives?

What's your alkalinity, PH, and Magnesium levels? Keep in mind that many calcium test kits are pretty unreliable and should only be used as a very basic means of testing for calcium level trends.
Outside of calcium, there really should be no reason to put any additives in the tank. I run my nano at about 380ppm Calcium and I check magnesium once every 1-2 months. What level is your calcium. Reportedly 500ppm and over things start to precipitate. SH
Well the reason I didnt state it is that I have used 2 different test kits and both gave me different readings. One came out as 460 and the other at 540 :eek:

My pH is consistantly between 8.2 so I don't worry about that. I have actually never tested for magnesium, and as that is linked to water hardness and therefore calcium and alkalinity. so i guess i need to test it!

I will however stop adding the Sailfert All-In-One.

I would think you are closer to the lower figure than the higher one. As SH says, above a certain level it begins to presipitate.
yeah, if you were up at 540 you'd have LOTS of salt creep
hmm well i get very little salt creep as i use evaporation trays. i do however have good coral growth...

Outside of calcium, there really should be no reason to put any additives in the tank. I run my nano at about 380ppm Calcium and I check magnesium once every 1-2 months. What level is your calcium. Reportedly 500ppm and over things start to precipitate. SH

what do u mean NO additives ? u mean at all??
Outside of calcium, there really should be no reason to put any additives in the tank. I run my nano at about 380ppm Calcium and I check magnesium once every 1-2 months. What level is your calcium. Reportedly 500ppm and over things start to precipitate. SH

what do u mean NO additives ? u mean at all??

IMO additives are unnecessary
From what I have read and understand it all depends on the Alk. If your Alk isn't high enough the calcium can't be utilized. I have also heard that any amount of calcium is fine above 360ppm as long as its not percipitating (or snowing). I have never heard anything about calcium levels being related to salt creep though. Salt creep is formed as the water in saltwater evaporates and leaves everything else behind.
Wait, so is this salt creep like the salt that is left over when the water evaporates? I have alot of that on the top of my tank, Is there a way to prevent this?

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