Calcium Levels Too High?



Are their negative effects to having a high calcium level? Had my water tested for calcium the other day at the lfs and discovered that the calcium level was around 590. They said it was very high. The reason i ask is because my corals have been droopy and closed up the past three days, and i can't figure out what the problem is. Today i did 10% water change, and purchased phosphate remover, b/c there was slight trace of them. All other specs fine, pH was 7.9 or 8.0, so i bumped it up to 8.2. The xenia is pulled back and droopy, green star polyps and pulled in and frogspawn is not opening all the way. My bta is looking great along with my zoo's though. Please give me some insight as to what the problem may be.
What size tank?
What is your source of water?
List your params please...nitrate level, kH, pH, s.g.?
How old is your tank?
Are you dosing your tank?
What sea salt are you using?
Percent and frequency of water changes?

We'll be happy to help but you didn't give us enough information to assist. There are numerous answers/approaches to this question but we need the above. Thanks. SH
Usually high calcium alone shouldn't make your corals droop. What are your ammonia, nitrite, nitrate? kH? temp? any new tank additions? and could you tell us what type of lighting you use and how old it is? oh, and what types of filtration?
Tank Size: 120 gallons
Phosphates-some phosphates were present and with frozen cubes it has probably risen and we bought phosphate remover to put in the filter to remove any phosphates as corals can be senesative to them.

10 gallon water change every 2 weeks.

stocking: coral beauty, yellow tang, 2 blue damsels. 2 sabae clowns, 2 blue/green chromies, 2 cleaner wrasse, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 sally light foot, 3 mexican turbo snails, various blue/red leg hermits, 1 emerald crab, green star button polyp, green zoos, 1 frogspawn, 1 bubble tip anemone, 1 xenia (which has never acted right since it was put in the tank while the other corals have flourished).

lights: orbit USA power compact 60".

if you need anything else let me know I can provide you with it except for calcium level which is high to the RO saltwater that we get from the fish store becuase the salt they use has high calcium levels.

we added essential nutrients that has iodine ect. for the corals and a ph rasing buffer to keep the ph at about 8.0-8.1.
it says on the bottle to add once every 2 weeks but we stopped after we had an algae bloom and have just now started to get back on schedule with adding them ever two weeks. instead of once a month as we had when we had a hair algae problem. dave
it says on the bottle to add once every 2 weeks but we stopped after we had an algae bloom and have just now started to get back on schedule with adding them ever two weeks. instead of once a month as we had when we had a hair algae problem. dave

Did the drooping start after you began adding the suppliment within a few days? Or were they drooping before the suppliments?

Whats the temp and have you tested your iodine levels?
We don't have an iodine test but need to get one and they were drooping before the supplements were added and the temp is 78 degrees Farenheight.
If you are detecting phosphates and you recently had an algae bloom, I would think that the reason your corals are sagging are related to the water quality. Something is off....either insufficient water changes, overfeeding or poor nutrient export. Are you protein skimming?

I would stop your blind dosing. Most current reefkeeping literature state that this can lead to algae blooms. Not only that, you have no clue as to your iodine levels (it's used as an antiseptic prior to surgery to kill bacteria). DON"T DOSE FOR WHAT YOU DON'T TEST FOR. Outside of calcium (if you have a heavily reefed out system), most elements are replaced with regular water changes, which, BTW, I would increase the frequency of. Maybe it's time to make your own SW? SH
When we started the tank the first water change I ever did I made my own saltwater and put it in the tank and everyone got ick so I'm a bit wary of trying that again. I'm not sure the blind dosing was causing an algae bloom being we didn't put it in frequently enough for it to cause one at least I wouldn't think it would but thats me and yes we are protien skimming and just cleaned out the canister the other day to prevent a build up extra nutrients there which would otherwise be getting put back in the tank. dave
You could purchase an RO unit and use it at home...that way you could closely monitor the water quality..I.E. change the membranes when needed..ect..
As to the fish getting Ich...I'm not sure if that could be just from using your own water...but I could be wrong on that..


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