calcium getting to low


Fish Herder
Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
Clinton,Tennessee, U.S.A.
ive noticed that my calcium has gone to far down and i want to get something to fix this :/ . what is the best product to raise the calcium levels and is safe for all my creatures? plz answer this by tommarow when i go back to the lfs for supllies. thnx for any help :D

2 clownfish
firefish goby
scooter blenny
turbo snail
Are you adding Kalk? Do you have a calcium reactor?

Assuming neither, you need first to test Alkalinity. Calcium and Alkalinity affect each other in complicated ways. You should read up, for example in Dr. Randy Holmes-Farley's forum on RC.

Calcium Carbonate (Kent Turbo Calcium for example) will raise calcium levels but will potentially lower alkalinity a bit. Baking soda is fine for raising alkalinity levels.

A balanced 2-part additive (B-ionic, Kent Tech C/B) will keep both levels in balance once they are at the right levels.

Randy has articles on how to save bagloads of money and make both your own calcium supplement or your own 2-part additive. Check them out.

If you post levels, I can give dosing info tips.
Try to get Salifert. Alk and Ca. Most accurate tests by far.
I'll second that, i use salifert tests and find them very good.

ste :)
Now you know it is time to find another lfs.

Rock on, GL, that's the one. Say, you never answered my Turboflotor question in the other thread :grr:

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