to those whom have learned about preceipitation.
Lets see if I can explain this in a manner that makes sense... First off, a basic chemistry lesson. There are 5/6 major ionic components in the salt mixes we use (in order of concentration): Chloride, Sodium, Magnesium, Carbonate/Bicarbonate (aka alkalinity, aka buffer), and Calcium. Our salt mixes are designed so that when the mix is added, all those ions dissolve into solution. No salt mix is perfect, and some of them have certain ions in higher concentration than natural sea water (NSW) while others are lower than normal. Still with me? good
The significant relationship you have discovered here is that of saturation, supersaturation, solubility, and reactive potential. Water can only hold so many ions (or solids) dissolved into solution before it can't dissolve any more. For example, if you take a cup of water and start adding in teaspoons of sugar or salt, eventually the sugar and salt will no longer dissolve into the water, no matter how much you stir it. That point just before you can no-longer dissolve the solid is called saturation. The more kinds and types of solids/salts you dissolve, the saturation point of the individual solids becomes lower. It's like trying to stuff full a pantry with food. You can fill the whole thing with a LOT of flour, but what if you want cookies? Gotta take out some flower to make room in there...
So, because NSW has so many ions, it tends to be very close to the saturation point of every ion in solution. Additives however are typically a mixture of one salt/ion and water (a pantry full of buffer for example). So much so that additives can be concentrated tens of thousands of times more of their specific ion then you will find in NSW. So when you add that liquid additive into your freshly mixed water, you CAN get to a point of supersaturation (an overflowing pantry). When supersaturation occurs, one, some, or all of the ions in the mixture must somehow come out of solution and re-form as solid salts.
So in your example, you had a different salt variety that was probably close to NSW or perhaps even a little higher as far as buffer concentration goes. When you then added buffer, you supersaturated it in solution (put too much in), and it went through a favorable chemical reaction to make a salt. Specifically, when supersaturation of buffer (carbonate/bicarbonate/alkalinity) OR, Calcium occurs in a seawater solution, the dissolved Calcium and Bicarbonate ions will form solid Calcium Carbonate Salt (Ca2+ + 2CO3 --> Ca2CO3). Once started the reaction is rapid and can "crash" the dissolved values of each component. That white stuff you see on all your surfaces is Calcium Carbonate Salt. Problem is, Calcium Carbonate is very in-soluble in seawater, meaning it will not go back into solution at the pH of seawater. If you make it acidic, it will re-dissolve back into solution (this is essentially how calcium reactors run).
So, in your situation, my guess is that the Red Sea Reef Pro has more than enough carbonate allready in its mix, and there's no need to add extra kent buffer to it.
Hope that made sense.