

Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2007
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I might re-do my tank (due to large fish loss) and I always wondered what new fish I can put in it. I considered bichirs and such but I dont have a sand substrate. Well I just came across Caecilians, I always knew about them but I just learned I can keep them in my tank. For an animal of that size I thought it would need more than 48 gallons. Well I might consider caecilians now and I have a few questions. How much do they typically cost? Can they be in a tank with sharp gravel substrate?
i don't really know much of these animals, but i would think that due to they're skin type, a soil like substrate would be ideal, if it would work well
I keep Bichirs with gravel substrate, they don;t bury and arenbn't soft skinned like eels and caecilians anyway
I've heard it isnt good to have gravel with bichirs becuase they can sometimes swallow it.
its never caused a problem with mine?
Aren't they about £15? I did some research and price converting and i got prices from £10-£15. However they might possibly be more expensive in certain places. Not sure but hope this could help. Good luck with them. Keep us posted!
I remember reading an article on ornate polypterus in PFK by Richard Hardwick some time ago where he advised that sand is preferable to gravel. I did notice my ornates on one occasion swallowing a small piece of gravel when feeding, though it doesn't seemed to have harmed them in the long run.

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