Fish Gatherer
Hi I had the above come with my recent tank. Need them gone asap really as am worried about the CAE with my Angel Fish.
the CAE must be around 5" if not a little bit more.
I need the Clown Loach to go to a better home, unfortunately I havn't got space to buy him some buddies to keep him company! Although he seems pretty happy with my Cory's. Not sure about his size, maybe 4"
There are 2 gouramis, one is a 3spot gourami, I think about 4", the other I don't know what he is, he is a similar blue to the other gourami and pretty much same size but he has no spots! Both seem peaceful and hide in the plants at the back so I can't really get a photo.
Not looking or anything for them but donations are always welcome
the CAE must be around 5" if not a little bit more.
I need the Clown Loach to go to a better home, unfortunately I havn't got space to buy him some buddies to keep him company! Although he seems pretty happy with my Cory's. Not sure about his size, maybe 4"
There are 2 gouramis, one is a 3spot gourami, I think about 4", the other I don't know what he is, he is a similar blue to the other gourami and pretty much same size but he has no spots! Both seem peaceful and hide in the plants at the back so I can't really get a photo.
Not looking or anything for them but donations are always welcome