CA Puffer just ate the Harlequin!

Rory the cat

Fish Fanatic
Apr 29, 2004
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I came downstairs today to find Puff with half a Harlequin sticking out of his mouth. It was horrible - Harley had gone white and was still alive. :(

A quick scoop with a net and some euthanasia later, I decided it was time for the big tank move.

Puff has been getting increasingly vicious over the past week so I had established my second tank last week in anticipation of moving all my fish except Puff to the larger tank. I would have liked longer for it to run, but it was that or watch them all get eaten or die of the stress.

The readings on my new tank are identical to the 16 gal - amm 0.2, NO2 0.05, NO3 25 - 50, PH8. Not ideal readings, but I am struggling with appalling tap water. Will do all future water changes with R/O. LFS has the same sort of problems with the local water supply.

I used water from my old tank (incl gravel vacuumings), plants and some wood. Have also put in a lot of stress zyme and stress coat. I have put the tea bag filter into my new tank as there will be a lot more pressure on the new filter than the established one.

Have left Puff in the 16 gal & put all the rest in the 20 gal.

So far they all seem very happy. They hid for the first hour but are now swimming around exploring. The neons & glo-lite have started shoaling again. Puff seems a tad confused as to where all his prey have gone. So much for the LFS telling me he was an ideal community fish :angry: .
Not to sound crass but if something like that happens I think you should leave the prey in to be finished off. Its what happens in nature and they make good food. It may be an expensive feeder but its even more expensive as fertiliser
Had it been killed dead I would have allowed him to eat it - but it was thrashing about and was still alive. It kept swimming away and being re-caught.

There was only half of it left though - very unpleasant. :(

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