I recently purchase a handful of macroalgae from my LFS which consisted of Chaetomorpha sp. and C. Recemosa. I've heard that if C. Recemosa gets stressed it will go through sexual re-production and release toxins into the tank. Is this true? If so how bad is this and how do I safe guard against it happening?
As of now it is in my above tank refugium w/ ample lighting 24/7 and also dosing of Green to help it grow.
Has anyone also heard of dosing Fe (iron) to the tank and/or refugium to ward against sexual re-production of C. Recemosa?
Eh...tons of toxins, no. I've never seen anything die from it, and given that many things eat it, I can't think that anything contained in that stuff is too bad. If it goes sexual you'll mainly get lots of excess organics that will decay and suck O2 out of the water if not filtered out. If you want to safe guard against any Caulerpa species going sexual:
- no snails that will bite through large stems (e.g. stay away from large Turbos).
- no snails or hermits that are heavy enough to risk crushing it or damaging it if they fall on it.
- have a backup air supply that isn't from surface aggitation. Use an air bubbler, venturi tube to a powerhead, etc.
- remove any badly damaged or fading sections that you find.
- if you prune, don't just cut/tear it and throw it back in. You need to pinch the main vascular sections off for a minute or two before cutting it and then keep the exposed ends out of the water for some time so they dry and don't risk the macro bleeding out into the tank. Sudden fluid loss can trigger going sexual, and also if the fluid loss is rapid enough it will have the same effect on the water as going sexual but the macro will just die instead.
- if the water goes green anyway, do a water change, check the bubblers to make sure they're supplying enough O2 to animals, and wait for it to clear up. 24/7 lighting won't necessarily help the growth, or do anything to keep it from releasing spores. 12h on/off is what I've found to give optimal growth in my macro.