Hi mikev
I never seem to see this mentioned but I've had the same problem. I'm not sure if the older fry attack and eat the newly hatched ones, if they are just too active around them, or if it's something to do with the hormones in the water. I've noticed it with my C. pandas which give me small but frequent spawns. Ten days to two weeks and I have to add another tank. Then, after they get a little bigger, they can all (within reason) go together in a 10 gallon again.
It seems like every spawn would need a separate container.
Didn't you tell me you live in Nassau? If so, you can get some of the old NCAS 2 1/2 gallon show tanks for just $2 each. I picked a few up and must say the do come in handy for this kind of situation. If you are interested and need information, just send me a PM.