C. Orcesi Spawning


Fish Addict
Oct 10, 2006
Reaction score
"In a van, down by the river."
Greetings. Found 60+ eggs from these this morning. That really made my day. lol. - Frank

Hi, we have just noticed that our coreys have spawned. We have approx 30 that we have managed to save and put in a plastic tub still in the tank. Could anyone help and let us know what's best to do now and how long they take to hatch.
marc & nicola
Hi, we have just noticed that our coreys have spawned. We have approx 30 that we have managed to save and put in a plastic tub still in the tank. Could anyone help and let us know what's best to do now and how long they take to hatch.
marc & nicola
congrats on the spawn
They should hatch in 2 to 3 days I would place an air stone in the tub to keep the O2 level up and help prevent fungus. hopefully Coryologist will chime in and correct me if i am wrong
They should hatch in 2 to 3 days I would place an air stone in the tub to keep the O2 level up and help prevent fungus. hopefully Coryologist will chime in and correct me if i am wrong
I have a link to the information requested, but if I remember, correctly - we are not allowed to post links to off-site references. Please correct me, if I'm mistaken. - Frank
very nice corys and photo :good: , i havnt heard of this one before .
ill have to have a read up :)
Nice to see your awesome pics, Frank, and finally get back in touch. I need some motivation. :good::hyper:

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