BYE BYE little fishie


Sleepy Chook
Dec 13, 2003
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Sleeping Somewhere. Or doing water changes. Or run
My little yellow comet (twinbar) platy died today after suffering what I thought were internal parasites. She was half way through the treatment today, they day she died.

She was my most hardy platy....I bought her in a bad way back in February. She had ich and finrot and was VERY thin. I nursed her back to health in a quar tank. She gave birth to many fry (all of them eaten though I think) and was my favourite platy.

Wanting to know what killed her I dissected her just now. I couldn't see anything unusual, but then again, I am not an expert on fish anatomy. All I know is that all her insides were that normal?? She had been dead no more than 9 hours (I have been at work)....

I feel bad for two reasons.....1. I should have started the internal parasite treatment sooner. 2. I should have euthanised her 3 days ago like I was going to. Then this morning she wasn't moving. I figured then she would die sometime today.

Is SOOOOO sad. I am crying now :sad: But on the other hand I am also glad that she is no pain anymore.....the last few days she couldn't even eat.....poor girl....

BYE bye fishie :byebye:
RIP little Platy! I am so sorry about your loss, Chooklet! It is not normal for her insides to be black but I think that if she had been dead for several hours then this would have been enough time to cause the changes after her death. You did all you could for her and it was amazing that you were able to nurse her back to health even once. Goodbye platy- you will be remembered by Chooklet and her TTF friends.

sorry to hear about that :( I have a book with ace details on dissecting fish and what to look for to work out how they died should have a look for something like that maybe :) if you plan on dissecting more fish i mean....

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