Bye Bye Fish

Unfortunatley, i'm in a similar situation... it's all got too much (price wise) I think I need to either cut down on numbers of take a break from the hobby all together :/
i need to get rid of my fish :-( . i am going to a boarding school and cant keep them. What can i do with the fish? Can i just give them to my LFS or not?

If you offer them to your lfs you may not get anything for them and the lfs will sell them on. Why not put a post on Buy and Sell section and put exactly what you have available. Even if you only get a few pounds for them its better than nothing and they will probably end with a fellow enthusiast. :good:
I just hate to learn that any of our members have to get rid of their fish. :-(

One thing you can try is to contact someone in a local aquarium society. With a little luck, one of their members might take them. You would be sure they had a good home at least.

Here's a link to a list of aquarium societies in the UK:

There may be others, so if you don't find any near you, ask about them at an independent (not a chain store)
lfs. Even if the ones near you specialize in a kind of fish other than the ones you keep, they might be able to steer you in the right direction.
id try to sell em on ebay and have a pick up only as shipping. if u cant sell them give em to a reliable pet store, who noez u may b abeal 2 get some money 4 em sorry to hear bout that...

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