Siamese Fighter05
Fish Herder
Well today i said goodbye to my 3 clown loaches
I thought it best for them to go to the lfs after inspecting my mates 4ft tank i decided he doesn't really seem keen enough to house their delicate needs.
Well i went down to the lfs and asked them if theyd take them in and they said they would. I went home bagged them up and brought them in. I didnt realise it would be so hard to let them go. They gave me a little store credit (£12) and put them in a medium aquarium with some black phantom tetras. I left the store to go and get some shopping before i choose some restock. Came back and i walked over to their tank and they just kept swimming up and down the tank looking like they were trying to come to me. my stomach dropped
I hope they go to someone who looks after them in a bigger tank which i cant supply atm. Well anyway i bought 2 albino cories and a bronze one which will make nice additions to my little bottom dweller cory community of 2 pandas a lepord and now two albinos and a bronze
i also got a shoal of 8 cardinals to occup the middle layres of the water.they have been acclimatized and are all in the tank now. the albinos are REAL feisty little rascals swimming up into my my current (supllied by the additionally corner filter and are sieving through my gravel non-stop(will be changing to sand soon after reading wolfs very helpful guide on how to change over to sand from gravel) all is looking good and ill feed them tomorow to see how they get on. ill try and get som pics up soon.
Edit: Cant forgot my little female betta who seems to be looking out for the albino's

Edited again: I saw some lovely little tiger barbs which were only 80p apiece But i held back and smacked my head up the wall(not really just incase u think im physco). Why cant a 200 gallon tank with the best equipment and a few hundred pounds for fish be sitting there when i wake up?......

Well i went down to the lfs and asked them if theyd take them in and they said they would. I went home bagged them up and brought them in. I didnt realise it would be so hard to let them go. They gave me a little store credit (£12) and put them in a medium aquarium with some black phantom tetras. I left the store to go and get some shopping before i choose some restock. Came back and i walked over to their tank and they just kept swimming up and down the tank looking like they were trying to come to me. my stomach dropped
Edit: Cant forgot my little female betta who seems to be looking out for the albino's

Edited again: I saw some lovely little tiger barbs which were only 80p apiece But i held back and smacked my head up the wall(not really just incase u think im physco). Why cant a 200 gallon tank with the best equipment and a few hundred pounds for fish be sitting there when i wake up?......