Bye Bye Butterkofferi


Leader of the Fishes
Feb 8, 2003
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I finally had to take my butterkofferi to a new home today,he had grown to about 5" and become a absolute terror beating on everything in the tank whenever they came close to "HIS" 2/3rds of the tank.So to teach him a lesson i took him to a local rescue centre where they have a mixed african cichlid community tank that is at least 1000 gallons,i watched him released into the tank and as soon as he was in he went straight into killing mode eating all the small fry he could.......That is until he came face to face with a adult pair of butterkofferi who were at least 12" each,never seen a fish turn tail and run so quick in my life :lol: I think he will be very happy in his new tank and will be far better off than he would if i had kept him,lots more fish for him to terrorise in there :grr: :devil:
been there a couple of times,i got rid of 2 buttkickers about a yr ago,mine were 8 and 10" not as nasty as i thought they'd be,i kept 1 w/ an RD and the other i had w/a green terror and never had any problems except they just kept growing and growing :X :lol: :lol:
DG you should know where it is,it is The Aquatic Experience at Syon Park,a haven for all types of over grown and unwanted fish as well as lots of other animals.
The only other place i know in syon is the butterfly and crocdile place. Where abouts is it :*) (after you turn left into the carpark...)

Then i can pay your bad boy fish a visit :)
It is the crocodile place,they have a huge cichlid community in the centre and two indoor ponds with redtail cats;snakeheads;pacu;giant gouramis and all sorts of other fish that are too large for home aquaria,as well as some crocs other large reptiles and all manor of tropical birds mammals and creepy crawlies.

BTW the butterfly house is a seperate business all together.
cool. I never went in there cos crocs never interested me. I'll have a loo maybe 2morw.

BTW is it free to get in?
No not free to get in but not too bad,i think its about a fiver.Its worth a look at least once,kids love the place.

Oh well if it impesses a man like yourself, its worth a drive down :)

Might as well have a look at the crocs as well.
I wish there was a place like that around here. So many people release their unwanted water pets in local lakes and ponds and then there becomes this horrible epedemic of the things that uproot the natural ecosystem and foodchain and such. That would be just awesoume. I would love to see a huge cichlid tank like that :thumbs:

Were from London the capital city of England,if people release unwanted pets over here they usually die so theres not much of a problem with that but we do have a few channel cats swimming in our rivers and rainbow trout that have escaped from fish farms.

There must be some thing similar in the US,you just have to look for them.

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