Buying Sw Fish


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2007
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What are things i need to be looking out for when buying them to know that they are good and healthy? I was looking into the clownfish and maybe gobies.
a healthy fish sells itself.

Look at the behavior of the fish in the tank.

The condition of the tanks too.

Look at the fins. are they matted or split?

Any unusual dips or hollows in the bodies?

These are more signs of unhealthy fish.

Ask lots of questions. If you at any point feel unhappy with the condition or advice given, walk away.
ask to see them eat too. If the shop is confident their fish are healthy and eating then they will show you.
And ask them WHEN they got the fish in the shop. Use caution if it's been in the shop any less than 2 weeks...
eyes can be a good give away as well, if you see cloudy eyes stay clear as this is oftern a sign of an unhealthy fish
cool okay i will keep all this in mind, thanks :)
Some shops will save it a week or two with a deposit aswel. Then you can nip back and check on it or whatever without it dying in your tank

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