Buying oddballs to grow them and sell to store


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2003
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I have started to do this. There is this little private store that sells exotic fish. My local petsmart carries some semi-rare fish and/or fish that can be used to be grown bigger and restold for a pretty reasonable price. They started stocking dragon gobies almost all year round now. They come in at 7''-8'' for $5. I also do fish that are seen everyday like oscars, red devils, four lined pims, and knifes. Obviously I don't do all of these at once. I do enjoy keeping them while they are growing and observing their behavior. At the same time it helps me save a little more money for the hobby. Tell me what you guys keep?
i grew on a tiger shovel nose catfish but when you get attached at the end it's hard to find a home you aprove of!!

what you have to make sure though is that you cover the food costs. depending on the fish they can eat alot of money that way, especially oscars depending what size you grow them to.
Growing fish on for sale is never going to make any money but it does give you the chance to keep a species that you would otherwise be unable to keep due to adult size or keep unsociable species that would otherwise be taking up a tank to themselves for many years.

Ive never purposly bought a fish with the intent of selling it on but have over the years sold a few fish back to the stores when my interest in the species has lessened or ive wanted to free up space in my tanks to keep different fish.
Well, let me say that differently. I don't exactly ''make'' money off of them but I atleast get something back. It's better than nothing. I really just enjoy keeping the fish. Watching them grow and doing the whole thing over again with something else or the same thing.

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