I want to buy some fish online but am concerned on the safety of the fish. Would you reccomend buying fish online? Where do you go to buy them and what if they die on there way to my house and how long does it take to get them to my house.
I've never done it, but have thought about it. I've heard lots of great reports from people who have done it. I wouldn't worry too much about the fish making the trip, as they make similar trips from the wholesalers to your LFS. On-line fish sellers usually pack the fish with heat packs to keep them warm, and ship them overnight. This can be costly... like $25 - $35USD for just the shipping charges.
I've never bought fish online, but I know that each dealer is completely different. Some charge low shipping rates but don't quarantee "live on arrival" fish. This shipping usually takes longer. IMO it's better to spend more on shipping, not only so the fish will arrive quicker (which means it is generally less stressed), but it is packaged better (padded, insulated box w/ heat pack, etc). Shipping fish generally takes anywhere from 18 hours to several days.
Personally unless it was something exceptionally rare that my LFS couldn't order in for me I wouldn't buy fish online. Most of the better places like liveaquaria.com charge too much for the fish then have really high shipping prices. However if it was something rare like a $120 True zebra pleco then it might be worth ordering online. Otherwise just doesn't make sense.
i would personally never buy a fish online they might be a little cheaper but then you get killed with the shipping. also i think the trip would be kind of rough on them and i agree with sky that unless it is exceptionally rare its not worth it.