Buying Fish Online


New Member
Jul 3, 2008
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Fort Worth, Tx USA
I did a lot of searching on the forums before I posted this question, but if I overlooked a thread discussing this already please excuse my redundancy and link me! Thanks!

I have always bought my fish from trusted LFS. They will order fish for me, quarantine them for as long as I ask, etc. But sometimes it's just downright hard to find a particular fish I'm looking for.

Recently, I started looking at online sources and noticed the prices are sometimes much more reasonable. I'm not saying I'd take my businesses away from LFS, but I might be tempted to buy an occasional fish online. My question, then, is this:

Does anyone have experience buying fish online? Would you recommend it? Any tips? And what Web sites do you trust?
I've bought online before, and will be doing it again. The only thing about buying fish online is you also need to consider S&H. The majority of fish need to be shipped express, witch costs around $35. Tips I suggest are only buying from places that use there own pics, lots of places use popular stock pics to show the fish. Also I perfer buying from "hobbiest" sites and I steer clear of the larger sites. Places I would buy from:,,, and; but they don't sell really sell saltwater fish.

Also you live in a major metro city. Texas in genral should have a aquarium society... or at least a cichlid society. (I swear every state has a cichlid society) Anyway in clubs you can usually find really nice fish for a good price, sometimes they are quite close too. Also cheap tanks and normally their are fish auctions.
I have ordered tropicals, with no problems and would do so again.

If I was to order marine, then i'd make sure the shop had a good returns policy and live arrvial gurantee, marine fish are not the cheapest!
Thanks for the tips! I think I might have to try it out sometime soon.

As far as the Cichlid Association goes - we used to have an excellent connection to the Cichlid Association, but he got caught up in a bad circumstance and now it's like the Cichlid Association in Texas has disappeared. At least around here. I haven't seen good looking, large cichlids in a long time. All of ours are between 5-6.5" so we can't put any small ones in there without torn fins and lots of chasing.

Can anyone become a member of the association? I guess I'll have to look that up.
I paid $15 to join the minnesota aquarium society. I'm from Wisconsin and they didn't have any problem with me joining. Even if a club is mainly set around cichlids, odds are some people will also keep saltwater and know a good source for fish.
I order most of my fish (fresh and salt) online and I've had very few problems. The best site I use is They have a 14 day guarantee, and great customer service. As kj mentioned, they also have a Divers Den section where you can see the exact animal you're purchasing. They have a pretty wide variety of saltwater fish too.

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