buying a tank online


Feb 8, 2004
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New York
i have a 10 gal and i definatly need to upgrade to a bigger tank so i can have a larer variety of fish to one lfs is always out of stock of most of their tanks and the other jacks their prices up extremlly high...

does anyknow know a reliable site to buy a tank from at a decant price?

and if you relly wanna do it this is a local store by me and they have a fish expert, and some nice tanks, and custom ones if you want

also usr google and yahoo to search for it
that site has some really impressive tanks...when it gives the price of the tank, the lowest one does it include the stand its on? or only the tank?
than wow that is a really good all i have to do is talk my mom ino letting me borrow that credit card of hers

do they ship? im guessing its in the US by the flag on the top of the page so what state is it in?
new york, and yea they ship. and i cant wait, in the spring, im gettin a job ther, and im gettin a 20-40% dicount on everything
Hi billy61718 :)

The problem with buying a tank online is that the shipping is so expensive. :nod:

Some Walmarts have good prices on tanks and complete set-ups, I've heard. If there is a Petland Discounts anywhere in your area, it would be worth traveling to. They are on Long Island and their prices on tanks are the best I have found. I think their site can help you search for the store closest to you. Here's a link to them:
www. I bout a 55 whit a screen top for 75 dollars.

does the website have fish tanks on it? i could only find the small kits on it, like 7 gallons i think it said.

was reliable? looking at the site their prices are really low and theres a show somewhat close to me which would make easy pickup.

and also a question in general to anyone. how much to canopys cost for tanks? and the lighting for them? for say a 40 gallon tank?
thanks for all the sites...their is a petland disounct in the town my grandma lives in which ill be sure to visit next time i see her...and theirs an all-glass aquarium store abou 30 min from me in new paltz which is a town my mom always goes to so ill make sure i go with her next time


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