Buying A New Tank


New Member
Mar 9, 2005
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Hi all :)

I am going to be buying a 135 gallon tank within the week from a couple who no longer want it. They've offered me the inhabitants as well, and I'm trying to decide if I should take them, as I want to add some of my own fish as well. The fish who currently live there are 5 oscars, 2 albino bichirs, an unknown eel, and what the seller calls 2 large "sucker fish." The fish I'd plan to add myself are my 4" blood parrot, a small firemouth, and MAYBE some clown loaches (if I have the room). I already know that my current fish wish-list can't fit in there with all the other guys. I probably will end up rehoming the oscars and the sucker fish (since I've heard some not-so-good things about them). Unless I could keep at least 1 oscar, but I don't know. I really like the way the bichirs look, but I'm not sure if they'd work out, since I know nothing about them. So...I guess my long-winded question is...would they be okay to keep with the fish I want? I will have a spare 55 gallon after the move, so, if necessary, and possible I could keep them THERE. Any info or suggestions gladly welcomed! Thanks! :)
i dont know if i would put anytype of loach with any of those guys loaches are more peaceful...i think they would make a short meal out of any fish smaller than them including a loach...unless u got the jumbo clown loaches maybe...but i think those are like 25 dollars around all in all i wouldnt think a loach would be a good choice for this particular group of fish...maybe im wrong...
I would definatly get rid of some of the oscars, oscars need about 60 gallons each fish. I would get rid of all but a pair or all in general. The others im not sure what else but i would definatly rid the oscars. Maybe make a few extra dollars on ebay or aqua bid to help your tank expenses. If the fish are free take them and unload them on someone else.
Thanks! I wasn't sure about the loaches, but I think I'll out them on hold :) I definitely plan to rehome the oscars. I think I will probably end up taking them to the pet store, and getting store credit for them, and the "sucking fish" too. I'm still debating about the bichirs, and the unknown eel, if I even find out what it is. Thanks again! :)

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