Buying 2 Corys Tomorrow...


Is now at University! :D
Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
Uk, Nottinghamshire
Currently corywise I have 1 x Sterbai 1 x Peppered and 1 x Three stripe

I was thinking another Sterbai and Three stripe poss.
Or a pair of bronze, panda or bandit...

I would up the numbers of the ones you currently have rather than getting another new type. :nod:
I've had the Sterbai + Three Stripe for almost 1 year though. They were only babies when I got them and as such I don't think they realise they are actually different species and have always shoaled together :)

I don't want to introduce two more and risk breaking up my little pair...but at the same time I would like to have a pair of each... hmmm
Yes, increase on what you have as corys are shoaling fish and prefer the company of their own kind.

I would avoid panda corys - they are very fragile and don't last very long - plus they are so small they are barely seen in an aquarium with lots of rocks/plants/caves etc.

I made the mistake of buying 4 recently - bought them on a spur of moment decision instead of getting what I'd gone in there for (more Sterbai). Expensive mistake on my part! Started reading up on them when I got the first available chance after that weekend, only to find lots of negative feedback on them (despite them being cute little guys the general consensus was that they are quite weak fish and perish easily). Also I discovered they need lower tank temp (mine is at 28 degrees).

So, of course, within a couple of days all but one had died!

I gradually lowered the temp down over a few days but who knows if the last little chap will survive. He's probably really lonely now...

Ah, fair enough.

To be honest, if I don't buy more of what I already have then it'll be two bronze cats I think.
Ah, fair enough.

To be honest, if I don't buy more of what I already have then it'll be two bronze cats I think.

you could buy 1 bronze and 1 albino just check the albino is Corydoras aeneus (bronze albino) - or albino Corydoras paleatus (peppered albino)and then you will have some fish that are of the same sort but look different ;)

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