Butterfly Pleco getting picked on...


Fish Fanatic
Jun 18, 2004
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I just bought a butterfly pleco the other day for my 55 gallon tank. I have no other good algae eaters and it looks cool so I thought I'd try it out.

I have an angel, a gourami, 5 buenos aeris tetra's and some other fish, and most of them just ignore the new pleco. The gourami is constantly watching it and often goes for a nip. The angel rarely does this but I have seen it once or twice. I am not sure exactly what they're going for, I was thinking they might be eating the poop that is hanging off of him or something. Most of the time it doesn't even seem to bother him, he'll be sucking on a wall and just ignores them. Sometimes he'll move a little bit, sometimes he wont.

I figured if it was bothering him he'd go hide under a rock or something, but he doesn't.

Anyone know what is going on and if I should be concerned?

Thank you all,
do u know the species name bcuz there are two kinds that i have seen called butterfly plecos. Is it the striped one with fins like a raphael or the one with what looks like 2 sets of pelvic fins. the second one is Beaufortia leveretti
I can't tell you the species name, but it has 2 sets of fins on each side, and one dorsal fine. It's got spots/lines all over.

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