butterfly fish


Fish Fanatic
Apr 24, 2005
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can i keep one in a 55 gallon with 6 gouramis 3 corys 2 plecs and 2 feather fins?
penguinpimp1990 said:
yeah you could keep an abf in there......gouramis should be fine with the it as long as they arent small enough to fit in the abf's mouth
Even gouramis that are too big for the ABF to eat could get beat up, or lose an eye from an angry butterfly fish, it's best to have robust gouramis (3-spots, for example) kept with ABFs, because they can hold their ground against them :)
my experience with abf's and gouramis together have been fine......but i wouldnt but a smallish type gouarmi with him.....also if your getting an abf get some floating plants, it takes alot of stress of the abf and will prevent some nipping form occuring
i have 4 3 spot gouramis and 2 large pink kissers so this should be ok yeh? also it wont be for a few weeks as i have white spot again!!! wounder how many fish ill lose this time so i dnt want to buy any more fish untill i have a hospital tank
cla55y19 said:
i have 4 3 spot gouramis and 2 large pink kissers so this should be ok yeh? also it wont be for a few weeks as i have white spot again!!! wounder how many fish ill lose this time so i dnt want to buy any more fish untill i have a hospital tank
Those gouramis would be ok, good luck curing the ich, I'd suggest turning up the water temp to about 85-90 degrees and doing extra water changes :)

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