Butterfly Fish


Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales
I've been thinking about getting a Butterfly Fish for a long time now and I've finally seen them being sold down here.

Would they be alright in my tank (approx 100 litres/21.5UK Gallon/26 US gallon)?

Here is a list of what I currently have -
5 platies
1 betta
1 scribbled pleco
2 kuhlii loaches
4 zebra danios *
1 leopard danio *
4 Schwartz Corydoras Catfish

* the future of these guys is currently uncertain - they've been harrassing my Betta and are very likely to be returned in the next few days. Either that or I'll be buying more..
That means that the danios and some other fish may become a snack.I have some good tankmates, look at the 30g in my sig :D
dwarfs said:
That means that the danios and some other fish may become a snack.I have some good tankmates, look at the 30g in my sig :D
I was worried about snacking as well :p

my danios are going bye-bye tomorrow (hopefully) due to the amount of damage they've caused to my betta *shakes a fist*
As long as all the fish you have are above two inches your fine. This doesn't count for bottom dwellers. Cover the tank completely as they are good jumpers that will jump through as small a spot possible. Good luck!!!
dwarfs said:
Cover the tank completely as they are good jumpers that will jump through as small a spot possible. Good luck!!!
my tank is covered by it's one of those that have pre-cut slots for the filter/heater etc to go. So it has these slots in the back of the hood :(

Unless I can find a way to cover these do you think I should forget the idea?
If you can find some kind of fabric with holes in it or mesh you should be ok, you would only need this until the ABF settled in but please don't forget the idea of getting one, these are really cool fish. Not too colorful but they look cool :D
dwarfs said:
If you can find some kind of fabric with holes in it or mesh you should be ok
do you think a bit of old net curtain or something similar would be ok? we've got tons of it laying around here
I have a feeling that the betta and the ABF might not get along. They are both surface dwellers, and I think that ABF's will try to be the dominant surface dweller while leaving the mid and bottom dwellers alone. I'm not sure exactly, but I know that my betta doesn't appreciate my killi and shows him who's boss. An ABF can get about twice the size of most bettas (not including tail).

They're gorgeous fish! Good luck

PS- it's a lot of fun to watch the ABF eat. What a mouth those fish have!
ladynaoko said:
dwarfs said:
If you can find some kind of fabric with holes in it or mesh you should be ok
do you think a bit of old net curtain or something similar would be ok? we've got tons of it laying around here
Maybe poke holes in it (unless it already has them) to make sure there is enough oxygen circulation, if you do that it should work fine! :)

EDIT: By net do you mean with holes? I think it does unless I misread. In that case forget about poking holes in it. Keep an eye on that betta too.
dwarfs said:
ladynaoko said:
dwarfs said:
If you can find some kind of fabric with holes in it or mesh you should be ok
do you think a bit of old net curtain or something similar would be ok? we've got tons of it laying around here
Maybe poke holes in it (unless it already has them) to make sure there is enough oxygen circulation, if you do that it should work fine! :)

EDIT: By net do you mean with holes? I think it does unless I misread. In that case forget about poking holes in it. Keep an eye on that betta too.
yeah, there's holes in it :)

as for my Betta.. I swear he's the most chilled out fish I've ever had. He just kinda ambles around the tank minding his own business (and he's much MUCH happier now since my evil EVIL danios went back to the lfs yesterday)
the only fish in my tank under 2 inches are my platy fry and my black phantom tetras (I returned the evil EVIL danios). I think I'm going to wait a while before getting a Butterfly fish now - give the tetras time to grow.
ladynaoko said:
the only fish in my tank under 2 inches are my platy fry and my black phantom tetras (I returned the evil EVIL danios). I think I'm going to wait a while before getting a Butterfly fish now - give the tetras time to grow.
Unless the tetras hang out at the top a lot there is no prob. If you want to save the fry then I guess you shouldn't get one :)

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