Fish Fanatic
I saw my largest Panda Cory (one of several fish with puffy bellies after feeding brown worms) swimming around like crazy moments ago and then noticed the anal fins clutched with white balls in them. I grabbed a camera and below is the best picture I could snap since she seemed like she was in a hurry. Eventually the fins went back and there were no more balls. I don't even know where any of them went. I looked around and she either did a good job at hiding them or the others have already munched them down.
Time to go do some reading on breeding.
Wow the tank is only 4 weeks young and my Red Cherry Shrimp had some babies swimming around not too long ago and now this.
Time to go do some reading on breeding.
Wow the tank is only 4 weeks young and my Red Cherry Shrimp had some babies swimming around not too long ago and now this.