Busy Day, Got Another Betta. (added Bad Pix)


Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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I used to think that I couldn't handle more than two bettas at a time, but I decided to give having more a shot. I think that maybe if I have something to do with my aquariums every day, even various bowl changes, that maybe it'll be harder to ignore my duty to them. I find I'm one of those, "Eh, I'll do it tomorrow", sorts. It's bad, I know.

So I went to the pet store and found a betta I liked, and it's another girl. She's pretty spunky. I have her cup floating in the 20g, just to keep her warm while I ready her new home, and her and my other girl (Uta) keep gill flaring at each other. I've decided to name her Veruca...not the most clever name, I know, but I dig it nonetheless.

I tried to take several pictures of her, but my stupid camera won't let me. :/ I tried to take pictures of my silver/purple CT as well, and those were blobs of color as well.

She's got a hole in her tail, it doesn't look like finrot, it's just a hole. Wow, picture sucks! :D

I've started to play Musical Tanks with my bettas. I moved my old red VT (Sori) into a 2g bowl, so that he no longer shares a 5g with ADFs. I figured he'd be easier to medicate there, as he's definately sick.

I moved my silver/purple CT -- who has no name, I'm stumped for names -- from a 3.3 into a 5.3. I'm a little annoyed with the 5.3.

Crappy picture, again, but I kind of felt obligated to post what I coax from that silly camera...

I think it has a slow leak on one of the bottom seams. :X Here's a bit of it, cluttered up and unarranged, with no substrate or fish, but hey it's a picture, right?

My new girl is going to have to be content in a 1.25g bowl for a bit. I don't want to put any fish into my 5.5g tank (the one with the frogs), until whatever is making my red VT Sori sick has a chance to die off.

I don't suppose anyone has any suggestions for helping out a slow leak in a tank, eh?
it wont look pretty but you can always silicon all the edges.if you smooth it out with your finger and let it dry it wont stick out.it will do the trick though.
I assume I'll have to empty it out and do it up proper. :/ I tested it twice to see if it holds water, and didn't notice any leaks at all. It figures that the darn thing would leak after I declare it all clear and plunk one of my guys in there. Hah.
Well I inherited two cracked tanks...the one works just FINE with, believe it or not, duct tape across the crack--yes on the outside of the tank. :crazy: It'd been like that for ages BEFORE I got given it....I'm just amazed at the uses of duct tape, that's all. :rolleyes: The duct tape has held for the 2 years I've had that 10 gallon and it's across the back where I don't notice it due to plants in the tank. To seal the other crack on the 25 gallon we did use aquarium safe silicon sealant and yeah you do have to empty the tank and let the silicon cure for 24 hours. That's also held perfect for over 2 years...hey, nobody had money to buy a big tank new and we got given this one....and for a tube of silicon, bingo, a tank. And the fish are thriving in it too. :nod:

Um I really DON'T recommend using duct tape! Just thought it was strange......
It's one of them old tanks, where panes of glass are sealed into a metal frame. Every single seam on it holds true, except for one. The more I stare at it, the more it looks like some type of rubber between the glass and the frame. The leak is so slow, that it's just a bit of shiney right at the seam. Doesn't even drip down and come into contact with the desktop, but every time I wipe it away it appears again.

I've got a few spare tubs sitting here in case it gets worse... but I'm thinking of risking it for a few hours to see if simply allowing the 'rubber' to rehydrate helps a bit.

*Edit: adding this in an edit, since I think a new post isn't really warrented... I think I might have just named my lavendar/silver CT. I'm thinking of Doki. I was listening to a favorite song and he was swimming about, looking at me. "Spooky Dokey", which then turned into Doki for short. It's a lightly dumpy sort of name, for a rather graceful fish. The contrast pleases me.
Well, I'll be. :D

The leak stopped. I'm sort of surprised I was right about the 'rubber' needing to rehydrate.

Also, my new girl has swim bladder. Barely a day in my care and already high maitanence.
Unless she's got quite slim eggs, yeah, I'm sure. She's slim bodied for a girl, at this point. She's got trouble swimming. She can swim down if she's got her gumption up, but it takes effort. She often just sort of bounces back up, off the surface (you know how swim bladder looks).

I'm giving her a 2 day starvation diet before I feed her some pellets and some frozen food... or just frozen food or just pellets, whatever comes first.

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