I used to think that I couldn't handle more than two bettas at a time, but I decided to give having more a shot. I think that maybe if I have something to do with my aquariums every day, even various bowl changes, that maybe it'll be harder to ignore my duty to them. I find I'm one of those, "Eh, I'll do it tomorrow", sorts. It's bad, I know.
So I went to the pet store and found a betta I liked, and it's another girl. She's pretty spunky. I have her cup floating in the 20g, just to keep her warm while I ready her new home, and her and my other girl (Uta) keep gill flaring at each other. I've decided to name her Veruca...not the most clever name, I know, but I dig it nonetheless.
I tried to take several pictures of her, but my stupid camera won't let me.
I tried to take pictures of my silver/purple CT as well, and those were blobs of color as well.
She's got a hole in her tail, it doesn't look like finrot, it's just a hole. Wow, picture sucks!
I've started to play Musical Tanks with my bettas. I moved my old red VT (Sori) into a 2g bowl, so that he no longer shares a 5g with ADFs. I figured he'd be easier to medicate there, as he's definately sick.
I moved my silver/purple CT -- who has no name, I'm stumped for names -- from a 3.3 into a 5.3. I'm a little annoyed with the 5.3.
Crappy picture, again, but I kind of felt obligated to post what I coax from that silly camera...
I think it has a slow leak on one of the bottom seams.
Here's a bit of it, cluttered up and unarranged, with no substrate or fish, but hey it's a picture, right?
My new girl is going to have to be content in a 1.25g bowl for a bit. I don't want to put any fish into my 5.5g tank (the one with the frogs), until whatever is making my red VT Sori sick has a chance to die off.
I don't suppose anyone has any suggestions for helping out a slow leak in a tank, eh?
So I went to the pet store and found a betta I liked, and it's another girl. She's pretty spunky. I have her cup floating in the 20g, just to keep her warm while I ready her new home, and her and my other girl (Uta) keep gill flaring at each other. I've decided to name her Veruca...not the most clever name, I know, but I dig it nonetheless.
I tried to take several pictures of her, but my stupid camera won't let me.

She's got a hole in her tail, it doesn't look like finrot, it's just a hole. Wow, picture sucks!
I've started to play Musical Tanks with my bettas. I moved my old red VT (Sori) into a 2g bowl, so that he no longer shares a 5g with ADFs. I figured he'd be easier to medicate there, as he's definately sick.
I moved my silver/purple CT -- who has no name, I'm stumped for names -- from a 3.3 into a 5.3. I'm a little annoyed with the 5.3.

Crappy picture, again, but I kind of felt obligated to post what I coax from that silly camera...
I think it has a slow leak on one of the bottom seams.

My new girl is going to have to be content in a 1.25g bowl for a bit. I don't want to put any fish into my 5.5g tank (the one with the frogs), until whatever is making my red VT Sori sick has a chance to die off.
I don't suppose anyone has any suggestions for helping out a slow leak in a tank, eh?