Burst Lighting.


Fish Crazy
Jan 26, 2007
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Hi everyone,

What sort of light levels do people recommend if you are going to go down the path of a midday burst?

Would this following schedule be ok? 3 hours at 1.3WPG, 3 hours at 3.5WPG and 3 hours at 1.3WPG.

I currently have 156 watts of lighting about the 120 US gal tank and I am upgrading to some metal halide lights. I can get the lights in 250w or 400w.

The above lighting schedule would be assuming I got 250w.

Would 3 hours at 1.3WPG, 2 hours at 4.7WPG and
4 hours at 1.3 be over kill if i got the 400w light?

Or does anyone have links to journals of people who have tried this trpe of lighting process? :good:
I would start as you suggested i.e. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. That should be a good starting point. If you get lots of algae reduce the burst length to say 2hrs. If you want to increase plant growth increase the burst length to say 4hrs.

There is a link in my sig to a thread you might find interesting re this subject :)

Sam :)

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