Burmese Border Loach (Please Help Me)


New Member
Feb 11, 2011
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First post. If you can, I'd really appreciate some help ASAP with my question.

I have a 30 gallon tank with some neon tetras, 2 guppies and 2 mollys.

I just bought a Burmese Border Loach. The guy at my LFS said that the loach did not need to be bought with partners, so I bought one by itself. After I brought him home, I read online they it's better to buy multiples. I also read that a sand substrate is better - mine is rock gravel.

Is it going to be a problem that he is by himself? Will it be upset or will it adapt? I am trying to insure he has lots of hiding places. Any feedback at all would really help. Thanks a lot.
First post. If you can, I'd really appreciate some help ASAP with my question.

I have a 30 gallon tank with some neon tetras, 2 guppies and 2 mollys.

I just bought a Burmese Border Loach. The guy at my LFS said that the loach did not need to be bought with partners, so I bought one by itself. After I brought him home, I read online they it's better to buy multiples. I also read that a sand substrate is better - mine is rock gravel.

Is it going to be a problem that he is by himself? Will it be upset or will it adapt? I am trying to insure he has lots of hiding places. Any feedback at all would really help. Thanks a lot.

I am not an expert by any means, but I do have 5 of these guys and they are my favorite fish. They are are not schooling fish, but they are mostly swimming and playing in a group. Sand is the preferred substrate, gravel can wear on the barbels and they will jam their snouts into the gravel trying to get food that had sunk in the crevices. A group of 5 will delight, but with your current stock that would be a bit much fish for a 30 gallon. You could re-home your live bearers and go with 10 or so Neon Tetras and 5 Burmese Border Loaches. A bright, vibrant school of Neons lazily swimming about would contrast nicely with the loaches boisterously playing.
If it is a Burmese Border loach I have found this on them its a reliable source so I hope it helps:

Schistura mahnerti is a territorial loach like many other Schistura species. Sufficient territories/shelters should be in place if keeping more than one specimen. These loaches are often nippy when defending their particular areas. Try to arrange decor so that it forms visual barriers between territories. Peaceful fish and other peaceful bottom-dwelling fish are not recommended. Ideally, these loaches will thrive in a Brook/Hillstream tank set-up with a high flow rate and well oxygenated waters. Stacked rounded river rocks and large pebbles over a substrate of gravel provide the right kind of shelter for Schistura species and simulate their natural habitat.

Distribution: Salween basin in Thailand. The Salween River originates on the eastern slopes of the Himalayas and forms the border between Thailand and Myanmar (Burma).

Sexual Dimorphism: Males have noticeable suborbital flaps absent in S. vinciguerrae and S. poculi.

Maximum size: 3 inches (7.6cm)

Feeding: Like many Schistura species, particles of food moving in the water column or current are snapped up eagerly - quality flake food, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and mosquito larvae. Water parameters: pH: 6-6.9 Natural waters are slightly acidic. Hardness: Soft Max dh: GH of 2-9dH Well oxygenated waters.

Temperature: 73-79F (23-26C)

Regards onebto.

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