Bumblee Bee Shrimp Breeding :)


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Nice photos m8 are the two types of shrimp compatable with each other? Ive only got cherrys in my shrimp only set up and was wondering about adding another type.
They are fine together and they won't cross breed (crystal red shrimp are the same 'variety' as the bumblee bee shrimp) - i.e. you could get crystal red shrimp in with your cherries.

Crystal red and bumblee bees will interbreed.
Could you give any advice as we have just got 4 bumble shrimp today and 2 have eggs, which are very dark.
I have been trying to get information about it, but still not too sure.
They are small shrimp and have to stay in my fry tank until they are big enouh to move in to the main tank.
So far all i have found out is that if the mother drops the eggs they are infertile..

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