Bumblebee Shrimp


Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Somerset (UK)
Has anyone come across these critters?

any information would be appreciated on them...I went into my LPS and they had some...smaller than my fingerrnails! wanted £3 for each one.

They said that they are like amano shrimp...are they??
No not much like amanos except that they are shrimp. They need the same sort of conditions as crystal reds, soft water temps around 20-24C ph of about 6.5-7, they give birth to fully formed babies in fresh water, amanos are larvae when born and need brackish water to live.
i have some, they are very sensitive shrimp, need very very clean water. I found it is even difficult to keep than CRS.

my bumblebee had some babies, but eventually all died.

Wont be buying these critters then..i need some which will be pretty hardy...but i already have amano and wanted some abit different...saw some bamboo shrimp in another shop and they are bigger than my fish! :S

so quietly walked by the tank without asking anything :X
Get some cherry shrimp, they are as tough as you can get and will survive in any water so long as the tank is cycled, they should be quite cheap too.
I was abit worried that they would be eaten by my Blue Rams if they were given half the chance at a snack!
I keep bumblebees and find them quite hardy and are more aggressive than my cherries(not quite as bad as amanos).I keep mine in a shrimp only setup with ph 7 and water hardness about medium and they are just now starting to breed.
Bamboos are excellent shrimp. I have two that are around the 3 inch mark now. The way they sit filtering the water with their 4 arms is crazy. I found one hunched into a hole I drilled into one of my bits of wood this evening.

Love them, not aggressive at all and they have brilliant colours too.
The problem with bamboo shrimp is that they need a large tank to be able get enough food, or be target fed.

I agree, they are great though.

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