Bumblebee Shrimp

Dave Spencer

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto.
Sep 21, 2006
Reaction score
N. Wales
I currently have six Bumblebee Shrimp (bought two weeks ago) in my set up, and I noticed that one had shed about a week ago. This morning I noticed part of another discarded shell and thought they were starting to grow on nicely. On further inspection, there are definite black and white markings on it, rather than it being transparent. Am I looking at the remnants of a dead shrimp?

They are tiny compared to my three Amano Shrimp. Will they grow to a similar size?

Thanks, Dave.
Bumble bee shrimp stay small, they will not reach the size of an amano shrimp :) .
I wouldn't worry about the black stripe, while i've never seen a bumble bee shrimp shed its skin(only seen amanos and some other critters shed), i know that when crabs and crayfish shed the skin the leave is full of pigments, so can be mistaken for a dead crab or cray. I think your bumble bees are fine.
Also, in a tank full of other shrimp, if one were to die, you probably wouldn't find any remains :) .
Bumble bee shrimp stay small, they will not reach the size of an amano shrimp :) .
I wouldn't worry about the black stripe, while i've never seen a bumble bee shrimp shed its skin(only seen amanos and some other critters shed), i know that when crabs and crayfish shed the skin the leave is full of pigments, so can be mistaken for a dead crab or cray. I think your bumble bees are fine.
Also, in a tank full of other shrimp, if one were to die, you probably wouldn't find any remains :) .

Thanks for that. I just wish they would all come out once in a while for a head count. My tank is heavily planted and the shrimp are quite active, but I have never seen all six at once.

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